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Help Brilliant Flash Fiction Fund 2021 Anthology

Brilliant Flash FictionBrilliant Flash Fiction wants writing to thrive, and they want to showcase flash fiction at its best. To do that, they need your help.

Visit Kickstarter to pledge even a small amount of money—and earn rewards including stickers, pens, editors’ flash fiction tips, T-shirts, and reviews of your work.

All money goes toward funding the printing process for a 2021 anthology featuring original work solicited from writers around the world. Pledges close December 11.

In 2019, Brilliant Flash Fiction, a 501(c)3 charitable organization, published a high-quality print anthology of flash fiction stories entitled Hunger: The Best of Brilliant Flash Fiction, 2014-2019.

(Note: no one on the editorial board or board of directors receives payment for their services. BFF’s funding comes strictly from donations.)