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3 New Pieces in Memoir Magazine

Screenshot of Memoir Magazine from January 2021Online literary magazine Memoir Magazine has published three new nonfiction stories since the start of the new year. The first piece is “Monkey Island” by Dorothy Rice. The story reflects back on childhood years growing up two blocks from the San Francisco Zoo and her friend “Tiny.”

The second is a personal essay by Jim Sollisch, “The Shocking Truth About Jews in Sports,” where he learns at the age of 10 that the world wasn’t mostly Jewish and he was, in fact, a minority.

The most recent story is “Bereavement” by Lauren Teller. She tells the story of her brother Eric, his struggle with epilepsy and surviving a train accident to die by COVID-19 fifteen years later and dealing with the grief.

Stop by Memoir Magazine to check out this new work and browse their archives “because everybody’s story matters.”