Magazine Stand :: Willawaw Journal – Spring 2024

The Spring 2024 online issue of Willawaw Journal highlights the graphic literature of J.I. Kleinberg’s found poetry (including the cover image). She and several poets in this issue responded to CMarie Furhman’s prompt “Hells Canyon Revival,” which is also included.
Other contributors to the issue include Ann Farley, ash good, Barb Lachenbruch, Bette Lynch Husted, Catherine McGuire, Charles Goodrich, CMarie Fuhrman, Dale Champlin, Diana Pinckney, Diane Funston, DS Maolalai, Elizabeth Kirkpatrick-Vrenios, FD Jackson, Frank Babcock, Gary Lark, Jeff Burt, Jo Angela Edwins, Joel Savishinsky, John Palen, Kevin Grauke, Llewynn Brown, Marc Janssen, Marilyn Johnston, Martin Willitts, Jr., Maureen Eppstein, Neal Ostman, Phyllis Mannan, Richard Collins, Ron. L. Dowell, Sam M. Woods, Sarah Cummins Small, Sherry Mossafer Rind, Stephen Grant, Susan Landgraf, Terry Adams, and Tzivia Gover among many other fine poets.