Magazine Stand :: The Shore – Issue 21
The Shore Issue 21 brings fresh new poetry, a rush of color and chaos, just in time for spring. The online issue is bursting with poetry by: Madeline Allen, Isabella Piedad Escamilla, Lexi Pelle, Anne Barngrover, Lara Egger, Sarah Anne Stinnett, Laura Donnelly, Kelli Russell Agodon, Sofia Fall, Martha SIlano, Mary Simmons, Erin Redfern, Brooke Sahni, Emma Murf, Nain Christopherson, Whitney Waters, Kelly Gray, Christian Ward, David Cazden, Caylee Gardner, Anthony Borruso, Christine Barkley, Lizzy Ke Polishan, Katherine Smith, BEE LB, Eric Cline, Michael Mark, Christine E Hamm, Leona Sevick, Sarah Elkins, Brendan Byrne, Lauren Swift, Robert Fillman, Donna Vorreyer, Christi Donoso, Lawrence Bridges, Jeannine Hall Gailey, Aaron Poochigian & Ronda Piszk Broatch. It also features striking and memorable art by Julia Kooi Talen.
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