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Magazine Stand :: Society of Classical Poets Journal – March 2022

Society of Classical Poets Journal literary magazine cover image

Posting works on a rolling basis throughout each month, now is your chance to catch up on all the March 2022 Society of Classical Poets Journal contributors, including poetry and essays by Susan Jarvis Bryant, Russel Winick, Phillip Whidden, Shaun C. Duncan, Joseph S. Salemi, Jack DesBois, Cheryl Corey, Lucia Haase, Margaret Coats, Rohini Sunderam, Phil S. Rogers, Norma Pain, C.B. Anderson, Sally Cook, David Watt, Tamara Beryl Latham, Leland James, Satyananda Sarangi, Brian Yapko, James A. Tweedie, Karen Darantière, Peggy Everett, Gregory Ross, Martin Rizley, and Michael Charles Maibach. The Society of Classical Poets Journal also has unique features, like “Henry Olunga Reads Susan Jarvis Bryant’s Poem on Toxic Masculinity,” and regular invitations for readers to contribute works to celebrate holidays or comment on current events, such as inviting poets to share their poetry in response to the still-unfolding Russo-Ukrainian War. All content is free to access online, but signing up to become a member entitles you to a copy of the annual journal as well as receiving a round of feedback on your poetry from Editor Evan Mantyk.