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The Florida Review Prison Focus

lisa roney

The Florida Review Editor and Director Lisa Roney in the 41.2/2017 issue Editor’s Note writes in a recurring thread about the U.S. prison culture, her early experiences knowing young people who went in and out of jail, and – of all things – changing the publication’s submission policy to accept traditional postal submissions from those without Internet access, “whatever the circumstances might be.” This, of course, would open submissions to our nation’s incarcerated population who are not allowed access to the Internet.

About the Special Section on Prison, Roney writes, “we include writing by prisoners, as well as their family members and friends. It is the presence of this Triumvirate (victims, prisoners, family and loved ones) that testifies to the widespread tragedy that violence, addiction, and poverty and their results have become in this country – and our constant sense that there must be some better way. Writing, of course, is one of those better ways.”