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Terrain.org 2016 Contest Winners

terrain.orgThe 2016 Terrain.org contest winners and finalists have been awarded with comments from the judges on winning entries available here.

Judged by Kate Bernhiemer
Winner: “Varya’s Black Suede Shoes” by Peter Justin Newall
Finalist: “Everest” by Scott Spires

Judged by Lauret Savoy
Winner: “Geography of the Self” by Catherine Mauk
Finalists: “Life After Life” by DJ Lee and “The Fursuit of Happiness” by Meg Brown

Judged by Eamon Grennan
Winner: “Boyhood Trapped Between Water and Blood”, a long poem by William Wright
Finalists: “Smoke and Miracles” by Kevin Miller, three poems by Cecily Parks, and three poems by Katie Prince

The next Terrain.org contest is open for submissions in January 2017. Winners receive $500, finalists $100.