New Lit on the Block :: The Broome Review
From Editor Andrei Guruianu: “The Broome Review is a new national literary magazine that seeks to bring further local and national exposure to the Broome County, NY arts community by attracting writers and artists of many genres from across the country and across the world. The journal promotes cultural development in and outside the immediate area through the creation of a wider audience for the works of established and emerging artists.”
The annual publication accepts submissions of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction and art July-November of each year and currently is accepting works through November for the Stephen Dunn Prize in Poetry.
Authors included in Issue Number 1 whose works can also be found on The Broome Review website include Stephen Dunn, Timothy Liu, Katharyn Howd Machan, Carmen Firan, and Katherine Lien Chariott. Also available on the website is an artist gallery of works not found in the publication.
The Broome Review is also active in their community, in cooperation with The Center for Gender, Art & Culture, sponsoring several series of free creative writing workshops through the end of 2008. The workshops are led by magazine editors, and participants’ works will be considered for possible inclusion in a perfect-bound collection, titled Our Voices, to be published December 2008.
The Broome Review has really hit the ground running – c’mon everyone, catch up!