New Lit on the Block :: St. Petersburg Review
St. Petersburg Review, Issue #1 (216 pages) contains 48 pieces (poetry, fiction, and nonfiction) by 34 writers; 28, or 58 percent of the pieces are in translation, and 16 of the authors(47 percent) are non-American, many, in this issue, Russian writers who teach or lecture at St. Petersburg Summer Literary Seminars (SLS). The first issue is enhanced by its symbiotic relationship with SLS. Besides providing an all-star list of Russian and American writers for SPR editors to solicit, SLS served as the venue for the journal’s launch, and provided a copy to each workshop participant. In the first two weeks of SPR’s launch, over 200 copies were sold and/or distributed. Unsolicited submissions of fiction, poetry, essays, and plays will be accepted September 1 through January 15 of each year.