New Lit on the Block :: First City Review
“First City Review is a quarterly journal of pop culture, fiction, essay, poetry, travel, and review that covers the contemporary and idiosyncratic experience of life in Philadelphia and the world beyond. We accept submissions year-round in fiction, essay, poetry, criticism, review and travel. All work must be accompanied by an SASE and cover letters are encouraged.”
Issue 1 features new fiction from Thaddeus Rutkowski, Paula Bomer, Johannah Rodgers, Brooke Comer, Leslie Bienen, Alexa Beattie and Chad Willenborg. Poetry from John Grey, Bryon D. Howell, Youssef Rakha and James R. Whitley. Essay by James Wagner. And featuring new photography work from Heather Weston, found photos, and sketches and pencil drawings from some of our friends.