The Mission Statement of Diverse Voices Quarterly reads: “There are many fantastic literary journals out there, looking specifically for submissions from women, feminists, gays/lesbians, Jewish, Christian, African-American, et al. In creating this online literary journal, we’re providing an outlet for AND by everyone: every age, race, gender, sexual orientation, and religious background. This journal will, in essence, celebrate and unify diversity.”
Volume 1 Issues 1 & 2 is available online as a PDF and includes a truly diverse list of contributors: Andrew Abbott, Don Blankenship, Benjamin Dancer, Laury A. Egan, Gail Eisenhart, Anthony Frame, Laura Yates Fujita, Jonterri Gadson, F.I. Goldhaber, Cora Goss-Grubbs, Taylor Gould, Heather Haldeman, Tim Kahl, Oloye Karade, Deborah Kent, Martha Krystapon, Bob Marcacci, Mira Martin-Parker, Tiberiu Neacsu, Diane Parisella-Katris, Diana Park, Amy S. Peele, Rhodora V. Penaranda, Julia Phillips, Charlotte Seley, Wayne Scheer , Joseph Somoza , Elizabeth Kate Switaj, Jacob Uitti, Earl J. Wilcox, Ernest Williamson III.
DVQ is currently accepting submissions of poetry, short stories, essays/CNF and artwork for its next issue until Oct 31.