New Lit on the Block :: Canteen
Canteen: The literary magazine that comes with instructions.
“Interest in reading literature has been eclipsed by interest in how and why literature is made. At least that’s how we explain why it’s easier to earn money teaching creative writing than practicing it. Add the ascendance of the memoir over the novel, scandal over plot, biography over oeuvre, and you realize something: It’s no longer enough just to experience the arts—we want to be part of their creation.
“Canteen aims to engage readers with both the arts and the creative process. In this inaugural issue, Andrew Sean Greer confesses to his early novels, the first written at age 10; Po Bronson examines a suicide attempt by a reader; Julie Orringer and Ryan Harty make couple’s poetry from a kit; and Dennis Leary pulls off his chef’s jacket to design restaurants of the future.”
Canteen accepts poetry, fiction, nonfiction, essays, commentary, and individual or portfolio artwork.