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Holiday Shopping? An Easy Suggestion from NewPages

I am absolutely NOT a shopper, let alone a holiday shopper. Ugh! So, my suggestion to help save time and gas, avoid the crowds, and support independent publishing? The coolest, easiest, bestest gift you could possibly give this holiday season:


Visit the links on NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines and NewPages Guide to Alternative Magazines. Most mags are set up to take payments online, but there is also still time to print an order form and get it sent in. Some mags even offer a discount gift subscription if you get one for yourself as well. (Replies from mags offering this are welcome on this blog!)

Given the price of some of the mags, you could even mix and match a couple – maybe an annual with a quarterly, an alternative mag and a literary mag, one poetry and one fiction mag – the creative possibilities are endless!

Don’t think anyone on your list would “appreciate” this idea? (Well, first of all, get some new people on your list!) Then “gift” yourself a subscription or two, tell others it’s what you want if they insist on buying you something, send a subscription to your local high school creative writing teacher, library, senior center, shelter, teen center, prison, political official who could use (more) poetry, etc.

‘Tis always the season to support lit/alt mags!