With their Winter/Spring 2017 issue, Gulf Coast celebrates its 30th anniversary. “Preparing for this milesone issue,” write the editors, “we too tracked the past, interviewing Phillip Lopate and exploring the works of Donal Barthleme. We lingered over Barthelme’s collage. They are inventive and uncanny, encouraging you to look closer and see differently. In that spirit, Digital Editor, Michele Nereim, embarked on the project of creating the small art-pieces featured throuhout this issue, scouring the Library of Congress digital archives, combining and refashioning old images so they might say something new, connect to now. Like how the wedding of unfamiliar words can forge new ideas. Or bring to light what’s already there.” Readers can enjoy these contributions along with a full content of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews – including a Q&A with Phillip Lopate – and the section “Art Lies: Art & Critical Art Writing.”