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GreenPrints Celebrates 25 Years

greenprintsGreenPrints “The Weeder’s Digest” celebrates 25 continuous years of publishing with its 101 issue of spring 2015. GreenPrints was the alternative path Pat Stone, Garden Editor, and Susan Sides, Gardener, took when Mother Earth News came under new ownership and ended their positions with the publication. Over the next twenty years, GreenPrints became a “family run” publication, with Pat and his wife Becky and their four children all participating in the production.

Today, GreenPrints continues to fill a unique niche in both the literary and gardening worlds. Only GreenPrints magazine “shares the human side” of gardening through its content: “the joy, humor, frustrations, and heart in fine prose and fine art.” GreenPrints also publishes a poem per issue and contains some of the best illustrations throughout as I have ever viewed in a literary journal, in addition to seasonally gorgeous cover art on each issue. Continuing to cross the genres of gardening magazine with literary journal, GreenPrints also features ads for bulbs, seeds, natural pest repellants, herbs, and much more to support the gardening community.

To see some of the illustrations as well as sample a story from the most recent issue, visit GreenPrints here.