Gold Line Press’s annual chapbook contest ended in September, and they released their 2014 fiction winner this past October. Along with publication of her perfect-bound chapbook The White Swallow, winner Anna Kovatcheva has received a $500 prize and contributor copies.
Selected by Aimee Bender, she says of her selection:
The White Swallow has so many things going for it—starkly memorable imagery, strangeness that feels natural to the story, the feeling that the story itself grew up from the earth like a tree, and an ending that defies moralization. It seems instead to reflect the same unpredictable and mysterious quality of the world that also lets birds go into girls and healing to occur and, for inside all that, love to blossom.
Diana Arterian has designed the book, creating a beautiful little package for Kovatcheva’s work. For more information about The White Swallow, check out the Gold Line Press website.