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Gemini Magazine Poetry Open Winners

“Renga for an Absent Lover,” by Sheryl Mebane, won the 2012 Gemini Magazine Poetry Open and the $1,000 prize. A jazz musician, Sheryl is the author of the jazz novel Lady Bird. The second place prize of $100 went to Gerardo Mena for “A Nursing Home Boxer to a High School Volunteer,” and Christina Lovin won the third place award for “11/11/11.”

Honorable mentions: “Depression Is My Happy Place,” by Jendi Reiter; “What the Fuck?” by Russ Dickerson, and “Morris’ Magic,” by Aurora M. Lewis.

All of these poems are available for reading online in the March 2012 issue of Gemini Magazine.

[Cover Art: “BOB MARLEY’S HAIR” by Debra Hurd]