Crazyhorse Winners Announced
Crazyhorse prize judges (Fiction judge: Antonya Nelson, Poetry judge: Marvin Bell) are pleased to announce:
Crazyhorse Fiction Prize Winner: Karen Brown for the story “Galatea”
Fiction finalists: Jacob M. Appel, Kathy Conner, Rick Craig, Diane Greco, and Ann Joslin Williams
Lynda Hull Memorial Poetry Prize Winner: Jude Nutter for the poem “Frank O’Hara in Paradise”
Poetry finalists: Kurt Brown, Colin Cheney, Melody S. Gee, Luisa A. Igloria, John Isles, Joshua Kryah, Gabriella Klein Lindsey, M.B. McLatchey, Xu Smith, and Jared White
The 2007 Crazyhorse Prize Winners receive $2000 each and publication in Crazyhorse Number 72, due out Nov. 1, 2007.