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CNF Tiny Truths Tweet Contest

Creative Nonfiction invites writers to follow @cnfonline on Twitter, then tell a true story in the length of a tweet with #cnftweet to have that writing considered for publication in the “Tiny Truths” section of the print magazine.

karen zeyThe Spring 2019 issue includes fourteen tiny essays on a range of topics including ‘caregiving for a parent with dementia’ (ChrisGNguyen), finding a single cigarette butt in the driveway every day (GitaCBrown), a family’s welcome back “as if no time had passed” (MPMcCune2), going home “in my dreams” (sevans_writer), ‘a musician explaining his song title’ (ZippyZey aka Karen Zey – pictured), doing the hokey pokey so as not to look a fool (by ridiculoustimes) and memories stirred by listening to the news (mjlevan).