Bellingham Review Adapts
Brenda Miller, Editor of Bellingham Review, writes in issue 60 of recent changes at BR, brought on by a number of factors, not the least of which include the increased costs of both printing and mailing two issues a year. In response to this, BR shows an adaptive turn:
“So, beginning in 2008, the Bellingham Review will experiment with publishing and mailing only one print edition a year (a hefty edition, with same high production values you’ve come to expect), and we will finally overcome our technology phobias and work on making the Bellingham Review website a much more impressive and interactive venue for our readers. We plan to post more of our content online, with special features—such as current book reviews and author interviews—available only in this format…” [read the full letter here]
BR isn’t the first to make this response in the face of hard economic times (or should I say “harder” since the MO of small press endeavors is always hard). As much as we did, will continue, and have every right to grumble and complain about the plight of “small publications,” and fight against rising costs, for those who can respond as BR has, the change can create new avenues. Better? Time will tell, but for now: “You think I’d crumble, you think I’d lay down and die? Oh no, not I. I will survive…”