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Beacon Street Prize Winner

Redivider starts off volume 10 with a cover designed from previous covers. Inside, the 2012 Beacon Street Prize winner is featured. The winning piece, “Mathematics for Nymphomaniacs” by Tasha Matsumoto, was selected by Michael Kimball.

Here are his comments on the piece: “‘Mathematics for Nymphomaniacs’ shows a wide-ranging imagination and an original sensibility that is so rare. I’ve never before read anything like this audacious story created out of absurd versions of those standardized tests that we all hated to take. I love that Tasha Matsumoto makes choices that I don’t expect and didn’t imagine until I read [the story]. That this story is also so full of a strange and beautiful and sad kind of implication makes it all the more amazing. I’m excited to find out what she does next.”

Also featured in this issue is writing from Kim Addonizio, Jeff Allessandrelli, Nan Becker, Rob MacDonald, Jen Hirt, Emily Kiernan, Ben McClendon, Nicole O’Connor, M. Owens, Jennifer Perrine, Anne Valente, Christopher Watkins, Wendy Xu, and Monika Zobel.