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Annual Iowa Review Awards

This is the tenth year that Iowa Review has been giving out awards for their contest. The process has changed quite a bit since 2003. “Despite all these changes,” says Editor Lynne Nugent, “two things remain the same: the care with which entries are read and the difficulty of choosing just one winner and runner-up in each category.” The judges were Timothy Donnelly (poetry), Ron Currie Jr. (fiction), and Meghan Daum (nonfiction). The new issue, features the winners:

Poetry Winner
Emily Hunt: “Figure the Color of the Wave She Watched, “As Long as Relief,” “View from a Regular Fantasy,” “Another Time Stopped,” “Last Night of the Year We Remembered Our Desires”

Poetry Runner-Up

Aditi Machado

Fiction Winner
Kyle Minor: “The Principle of the Fragility of Good Things”

Fiction Runner-Up
Emily G. Martin

Nonfiction Winner

Bernadette Esposito: “The Principle of the Fragility of Good Things”

Nonfiction Runner-Up

Marcela Sulak