The results are in for the 2013 Booth Story Prize, and Lenore Myka has reason to celebrate. Selected for first prize with “Real Family” by judge Roxane Gay, Myka received publication as well as $1,000. Here’s all about her: “Lenore Myka’s fiction was selected as one of the 100 Distinguished Stories by The Best American Short Stories and won the 2013 Cream City Review fiction contest. Her work has appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, West Branch, Massachusetts Review, H.O.W. Journal, upstreet Magazine, Talking River Review, and the anthology Further Fenway Fiction. She received her MFA from Warren Wilson College.” You can read this winning piece on Booth‘s website.
And here’s the complete list of winners:
1st Prize: ”Real Family” by Lenore Myka
2nd Prize: ”Little Miss Bird-in-Hand” by Annie Bilancini
“Some Helpful Background for the Incoming Tenant” by Jacob Appel
“Their Own Resolution” by David Armstrong (story withdrawn by the author)
“Little Miss Bird-in-Hand” by Annie Bilancini
“Plush” by Jennifer Caloyeras
“Real Family” by Lenore Myka