Pro AI? Anti AI? Undecided? No matter where you are on the AI fence, re•mediate is making its own contribution to the conversation, publishing creative writing, criticism, and interviews, as well as a limited amount of visual/interactive work, all of which centers on what is traditionally called human-computer collaboration.
“At re•mediate,” explains Founding Editor P.D. Edgar, “we call it computer-assisted creative writing, which is to acknowledge, in broad strokes, that the practice of being a writer is computer-mediated at many more stages than the compositional. In Issue•1, we published a poem that was human-written but addressed, using three different fonts, how writers are expected to maintain an online audience or presence as a part of their brand and the frustration with that expectation. On the other hand, we also seriously consider work that’s made with AI or written computationally, such as with functional code that prints text. We’re not the first to do this (Taper), and luckily, we’re in a little cohort of fresh new literary magazines who are interested in serious experiments with AI (Ensemble Park, AI Literary Review).”
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