Magazine Stand :: Spoon River Poetry Review – Winter 2022
The Spoon River Poetry Review (SRPR) Winter 2022 has much to offer readers to see them through the spring, starting with the brightly colored cover art by Desire for / desire (oil on gesso-bard) by Madelyn Turner. The SRPR Illinois Poet Feature in this issue is Rebecca Morgan Frank, with an interview of the poet by Jenna Goldsmith, and the Editors’ Prize winning poem “We Moved Out of the Projects and Into a Home” by Meghan Malachi, selected by Ashley M. Jones, is included as well as runners-up poems by Judith Mary Gee and Scudder H. Parker, honorable mention poems by Caroline Parkman Barr, Phillip West, Brittany Mishra, and Ana Lucila Cagnoni. There is new poetry by Jenna Le, Carrie Shipers, Clayton Adam Clark, Beth Weinstock, J. R. Forman, Rodrigo Toscano, Elizabeth Sylvia, and more, and the SRPR Review Essay “Dreams of Growing to Rock a Rhyme”: Tradition and Experiment in Recent American Sonnets” by Brian Brodeur, who reviews books by Caki Wilkinson (The Survival Expo: Poems), Rowan Ricardo Phillips (Living Weapon: Poems), Matthew Buckley Smith (Midlife: Poems), Alexis Sears (Out of Order: Poems), and John Murillo (Kontemporary Amerikan Poetry: Poems).