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New Lit on the Block :: Spray Paint Magazine

Likening creative expression to a common artist’s tool, Spray Paint Magazine was launched with the mission to give artists a voice through publishing prose, poetry, scripts, and visual art pieces in two to three issues a year. Currently, back issues can be read online for free with future issues available for digital download.

Managing Editor Angel-Clare Linton says she started Spray Paint Magazine while pursuing an undergraduate degree in creative writing. “While I was studying,” she explains, “I started working on my school’s magazine as a poetry editor, which was my first experience behind the scenes in the literary world. It was then I realized how much I enjoyed working on a literary magazine and that I wanted to work for my own publishing company. I have always wanted to be a full-time writer, so it wasn’t far-fetched that I wanted my own publishing company and literary magazine. That said, while I was starting my spring semester, I launched Spray Paint Magazine.”

The Editorial and Design Team

Not alone in her work, Spray Paint Magazine currently has an illustrator and design editor. “Design Editor Catherine Mwitta, has completed her bachelor’s degree,” Linton says, “and Illustrator Jessie Nguyen is in the process of finishing hers. Jessie has been drawing and in that field for several years and is currently working on a few projects outside of Spray Paint Magazine. Catherine has done projects similar to those of Spray Paint Magazine. For example, she has worked on an anthology not only as an editor but also as a design editor, and the content and interior look amazing. She has also worked on multiple issues of another magazine that has issues in print and digital.”


As for submissions, Linton is the only one who reads them all and within a week or two after the submission period closes, acceptance and rejection emails are sent to the submitters. “We do not provide feedback on any accepted or rejected pieces,” Linton says, but accepted works are edited for publication. “Once the contributors of Spray Paint Magazine are satisfied with their edits, I compile the pieces along with the illustrator’s cover and send them to the design editor. We go back and forth for a few drafts, making sure the magazine is up to publishable standards.”

High-Quality Content

Those standards are what readers coming to Spray Paint Magazine can expect to find: “high-quality artistic work from emerging and established artists,” Linton states. “This encompasses poetry, prose, scripts, and visual art pieces.” Some recent contributors include Bailey Blundell, Grace Zhou, Salman Zafar, Jesse Case, R. A. L, Jillian-Rae Picco, Samantha Krilow, A. M. Linton, Shamik Banerjee, Claire Stewart, Erin Jamieson, Elijah Bacchus, Willow Kang, Irina Tall Novikova, Ethan Riddle, Ivan de Monbrison, Jessie Nguyen, Blanka Pillár, Christian Ward, and Jordan Andrew.

A Look Back

Reflecting on their work thus far, Linton says she has learned “to be clear, consistent, and explicit with the submission guidelines.” When considering whether she had any regrets starting a literary magazine, Linton was firm, “No, I don’t regret starting Spray Paint Magazine because it’s something I find enjoyable, and it’s satisfying giving people an opportunity to showcase their creativity.”

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