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The Powhatan Review – Summer 2003

Volume 3 Number 3

Summer 2003

Denise Hill

If minimalism had a role model in format, it would be Pawhatan Review, which only adds to the surprise and delight readers will discover in the depth and complexity of content. The magnet for me in this saddle-stitched format was the centerpiece: a b/w photograph by Mark Artkinson entitled “Vermont girls, summer at the beach,” which perfectly and preciously captures two distinct inner workings of young feminine psyche.

If minimalism had a role model in format, it would be Pawhatan Review, which only adds to the surprise and delight readers will discover in the depth and complexity of content. The magnet for me in this saddle-stitched format was the centerpiece: a b/w photograph by Mark Artkinson entitled “Vermont girls, summer at the beach,” which perfectly and preciously captures two distinct inner workings of young feminine psyche. The review promotes its content as “the ‘truth’ in details of real lives and hard won experience,” and this is apparent in the poems who titles alone speak these hard won truths: “Like a Beaten Rug” – “Love Letter to a Woman I Work With” – “Beside the Bed” – and “Onion, Dear.” My favorite among the dozen or so verse pieces was undoubtedly “Bones Lonely” by Don Winter which begins: “Some nights , I wake with longing / for nothing I can name.” And of the three stories, “Bananas” by Eugene M. McAvoy stole my heart with his depiction of Grandma and ‘nilla wafers and little Eugene stealing bananas because he was “hungry in the head.” For writers and artists as well as readers, this little book is worth a big, long look. [The Powhatan Review, 4936 Farrington Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455. E-mail: [email protected]. Single issue $3.00. http://www.powhatanreview.cjb.net/ ] – DH