The Green Tricycle – November 2003
Issue 13
November 2003
The Green Tricycle is billed as the “Fun to Read” lit magazine, and it lives up to its mantra superbly. Each issue incorporates poetry, “flash-fiction” and “mini-drama” under three different themes that are tossed out prior to the issue’s publication so as to give writers ample time to craft a work based upon the requisite themes.
The Green Tricycle is billed as the “Fun to Read” lit magazine, and it lives up to its mantra superbly. Each issue incorporates poetry, “flash-fiction” and “mini-drama” under three different themes that are tossed out prior to the issue’s publication so as to give writers ample time to craft a work based upon the requisite themes. In Issue 13, the three categories up for grabs were: Lure, Sage, & Rock. Each separate theme then includes a work of art in the graphic design genre as well as approximately ten to fifteen selections of poetry and prose inspired by the topics. The refreshing and amazing thing about this type of format is the sheer diversity of style and subject matter it spawns. Under the heading Lure, writers share about fishing trips with fathers, poetry of unrequited love, and having to visit grandmothers. Under the heading Sage, writers share about medicine men, eccentric old women, herb gardens, and wisdom. Under the heading Rock, writers share about music, grave markers, gardens, mountain trips, and unforgiving landscape. It was like unwrapping a birthday present each time I read another selection due to the surprise and delight I experienced upon seeing how an individual author took the unifying theme and twisted it to leave her fingerprints on it. The organization of the zine allows for continuity and an easy transition from poetry to prose as well as from one author style to another. Two pieces stood out to me in particular, “Adobe Dreams” and “Visiting Grandmother.” In “Adobe Dreams” by Kevin Craig an aging hippie recounts his loneliness for times past intermingled with his deep attachment to the stark beauty of his home under the New Mexican sky, “Sage is keeping me a prisoner in paradise.” This quote is indicative of the simple truth and beauty coursing throughout the veins of The Green Tricycle. Although prose, this selection laps upon my ears like true poetry. Another wonderful selection entitled “Visiting Grandma” by Uma Mahadevan –Dasgupta also captures the simple, straightforward essence of the publication, “And then there’s this little game between us, with Grandma looking for ways to make me stay, and me looking for the first moment to escape.” Whomever believes that “fun” fiction is without literary merit should hit up The Green Tricycle. Its clever format, variety, and simple truths will strike a chord with any reader. –ST