The Georgia Review – Winter 2003
Volume 57 Number 4
Winter 2003
Jeannine Hall Gailey
The Georgia Review represents a conservative, old-guard-style approach to literature, and the names of contributors are among some of the most elite in the literary world – Richard Howard and Michael Collier among them. While nothing in this issue will shock you, The Georgia Review represents very fine work.
The Georgia Review represents a conservative, old-guard-style approach to literature, and the names of contributors are among some of the most elite in the literary world – Richard Howard and Michael Collier among them. While nothing in this issue will shock you, The Georgia Review represents very fine work. In this issue, I particularly liked the art work of Treacy Ziegler, “Fables of Light,” represented in color, which evoked a cold and desolate depth in her landscapes. Judith Kitchen’s essay/review of recent poetry anthologies, “Anthologizing – the Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent,” was another highlight. With her amusing quibbles and forthright opinions (On Billy Collins’ Poetry 180: “Still, here’s what I’d say to Billy Collins and to the students who have, because of him, turned back to poetry. Many poems speak to the human condition, not the adolescent condition. Read them.” On Garrison Keillor’s Good Poems: “In trying so hard to be populist, Good Poems offers up a lot of pablum.”), Kitchen sounds something like a brisk but slightly cranky schoolmarm rapping the knuckles of errant anthologizers. Which, let’s face it, is enjoyable, because no reader, including you and me, ever completely agrees with the choices of any anthology’s editors. [The Georgia Review, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602-9009. E-mail: [email protected]. Single issue $9.] – JHG