Tar Wolf Review – Fall 2004
Issue 2
Fall 2004
Jeannine Hall Gailey
This new saddle-stitched journal of poetry and art out of Tennessee gives a forum for newer voices, with a lyric bent. I liked the ekphrastic poem “Shark Infested Waters” by Gayle Elen Harvey (about a show by Damien Hirst), as well as P.J. Taylor’s “The Mice and The Lemon Tree.” An excerpt of Taylor’s poem:
This new saddle-stitched journal of poetry and art out of Tennessee gives a forum for newer voices, with a lyric bent. I liked the ekphrastic poem “Shark Infested Waters” by Gayle Elen Harvey (about a show by Damien Hirst), as well as P.J. Taylor’s “The Mice and The Lemon Tree.” An excerpt of Taylor’s poem:
There are mice eating our lemons,
zesting the skins. Naked fruit is strewn
all over our patio and drive…
…I wonder how they live
on citrus. He baits the traps with cheese,
still they eat more lemons…
The slightly sepia-toned photography in this issue was interesting to me as well; my favorite pieces were Roger Pfingston’s “Chicago” and “Ice,” which both featured “cold” structures and created an almost mystical mood with them. I’ll continue to watch this new literary journal with interest. [Tar Wolf Review, P.O. Box 2038, Clarkrange, TN 38553. E-mail: [email protected]. Single issue: $6. www.tarwolfreview.org] – JHG