South Dakota Review – Winter 2004
Volume 42 Number 4
Winter 2004
Anna Sidak
Published by the University of South Dakota since 1963, this issue of South Dakota Review contains many fine stories including James Jay Egan’s “The Hand of God,” in which things go terribly wrong, Robert J. Nelson’s graceful memoir “The Music Teacher,” Katherine L. Holmes lyrical “Eggs in a Basket,” and Christine Sneed’s “Furious Weather.”
Published by the University of South Dakota since 1963, this issue of South Dakota Review contains many fine stories including James Jay Egan’s “The Hand of God,” in which things go terribly wrong, Robert J. Nelson’s graceful memoir “The Music Teacher,” Katherine L. Holmes lyrical “Eggs in a Basket,” and Christine Sneed’s “Furious Weather.” The title of Samuel Maio’s 27-page essay, “Deep Image and the Aesthetics of Self: Robert Bly’s Early Poetry,” tells the story. Not one to buck the current trend toward long titles, Michelle Bonczek gives us this: “In an Effort to Pitch a Tent, Build a Campfire, and Spend the Weekend Outdoors, This Instead,” and includes: “Our tired bodies fall like trees / into a motel queen where we sleep.” [South Dakota Review, Box 111, University Exchange, Vermillion, SD 57069. E-mail: [email protected]. Single issue $10.] — Anna Sidak