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Interim – 2004

Volume 22


Jeannine Hall Gailey

This double issue of Interim, out of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas English Department, features some names you will be familiar with (Cole Swenson, Donald Revell) and some you may not.

This double issue of Interim, out of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas English Department, features some names you will be familiar with (Cole Swenson, Donald Revell) and some you may not. This issue contains mainly poetry (including more than one poem for each poet, an editorial practice I applaud), with one piece of short fiction and a short essay, as well as a handful of reviews. The featured writers in this issue are poets Martha Ronk and Arthur Vogelsang. Some pieces in this journal have a somewhat intimidating, look-at-me brand of intellectualism/ ellipticism that is fashionable but leaves me a little cold, I admit. However, fans of the new and different will appreciate them. (P.S. Is ellipticism a word? Write in and give me your vote!) I enjoyed Red Shuttleworth’s satirical poem “Marilyn Monroe,” a few lines of which follow: “…A make-up girl offered / to go find her a Paiute cayote fetish. / ‘The gravediggers are waiting,’ Marilyn snapped. / Huston or Miller? She brushed her bone-blonde / dry-as-the-Great-Basin hair…She winked at Gable, ‘I used to remember / all my lines when I was an angel.’” [Interim, English Department, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada 98154.E-mail: [email protected] http://www.unlv.edu/Colleges/Liberal_Arts/English/interim/Index.htm] – JHG

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