Image – Winter 2003
A Journal of the Arts & Religion
Number 41
Winter 2003
Jeannine Hall Gailey
This somewhat conservative, glossy-covered journal publishes art, poetry, fiction and essays that focus (mostly) on the God of the Judeo-Christian tradition, but the work is surprisingly diverse and thought-provoking. (Production quality note to artists: The art work is featured beautifully in full color and heavy paper.)
This somewhat conservative, glossy-covered journal publishes art, poetry, fiction and essays that focus (mostly) on the God of the Judeo-Christian tradition, but the work is surprisingly diverse and thought-provoking. (Production quality note to artists: The art work is featured beautifully in full color and heavy paper.) In this issue, I especially like the poems of Madeline DeFrees, a tremendously intelligent and entertaining poet who happens to also be an ex-nun, and the candid and brave essay by Valerie Sayers “The Word Cure: Cancer, Language, Prayer” about her experience with melanoma and spiritual crisis. I was hoping, based on previous issues of this journal, that this issue would take a few more risks and display a bit more edge, as found in the recent collection of intellectual writings on spirit and religion in the book Killing the Buddha: A Heretic’s Bible, but I think it will be a pleasant surprise for most readers to find the cerebral, honest work about religion that Image provides. [Image, 3307 Third Avenue West, Seattle, WA 98119. E-mail: [email protected]. Single issue $10.] – JHG