Harrington Gay Men’s Fiction Quarterly – 2004
Volume 6
Jennifer Gomoll
HGMFQ is not only a fiction journal, but a wealth of scholarly articles on gay literature and academic history.
HGMFQ is not only a fiction journal, but a wealth of scholarly articles on gay literature and academic history. Some of this issue’s offerings include R. Joel Dorius’s “1960 Revisited: Another Perspective,” regarding the emotional scars left by the loss of his teaching job at Smith College for the possession of “pornographic” photos of men; an exploration of gay memoir in J. Allen Hall’s “Towards a Definition of ‘Transgenre’: Paul Lisicky’s Famous Builder“; and a piece by Tony Dobrowolski on the history of the novel The Green Carnation, written by Robert Smythe Hichens in the time of Oscar Wilde and now being adapted as a stage play by Dobrowolski. As for contemporary fiction, there are but two short stories; I’d have liked to see more. My favorite piece in this issue is Jim Gladstone’s “Pop Music,” in which the author is dealing with his father’s leukemia as his relationship with a crap-pop-music-loving boyfriend is falling apart. It ends with a visit to the New Orleans home of the legendary Clarence “Frogman” Henry, one of his father’s favorite singers. Frogman’s hospitality, the father’s survival, and the breakup of the bad relationship combine to give Gladstone a last line all about living on: “Sing it Frogman. Sing it.” [Harrington Gay Men’s Fiction Quarterly, Thomas L. Long, Editor-in-Chief, English Department, Thomas Nelson Community College, P.O. Box 9407, Hampton VA 23670. E-mail: [email protected]. Single issue $7. http://www.tncc.vccs.edu/faculty/longt/HGMFQ/] – JQG