Issue 20
The surrealist-naturalist oils of Margaret Wall-Romana set the tone for this journal, the theme of which is “Gardens in the Urban Jungle.” Grouped into sections according to which editor selected them, the works represent a broad interpretation of the seemingly-simple motif—from straightforward botanical sketches to Yiddish verse printed in both English and Hebrew.
The surrealist-naturalist oils of Margaret Wall-Romana set the tone for this journal, the theme of which is “Gardens in the Urban Jungle.” Grouped into sections according to which editor selected them, the works represent a broad interpretation of the seemingly-simple motif—from straightforward botanical sketches to Yiddish verse printed in both English and Hebrew. Particularly impressive was Erin McCluskey’s “What I can Give,” a highly innovative, yet authentic prose-poem that bespeaks the effort of any artist in any genre to channel their love through their life to create something that resonate beyond mere articulation. Another standout is Sholem Burger, whose series of New York poems exhibits a righteous indelicacy that only true talent can sustain. An interesting, well-rounded publication with a universally applicable theme, Five Fingers Review #20 contains more enjoyable art than you can count on both hands. [Five Fingers Review, PO Box 4, San Leandro, CA 94577-0100.] – SRP