Concrete Wolf – 2003
Issue 7
Jeannine Hall Gailey
This journal out of New Hampshire features work from both familiar and unfamiliar names. While the aesthetic leans towards a free-verse, relaxed sort of poetry, nothing here tries too hard, and you will occasionally find seemingly effortless, beautiful feats, like these lines from “Susann” by Cecil L. Sayre:
This journal out of New Hampshire features work from both familiar and unfamiliar names. While the aesthetic leans towards a free-verse, relaxed sort of poetry, nothing here tries too hard, and you will occasionally find seemingly effortless, beautiful feats, like these lines from “Susann” by Cecil L. Sayre:
“How does a woman / with broken fingers / play guitar? / Delicately, / as if she were / the remains / of something / valuable…her whispered / strumming / of the strings / almost / inaudible, / she plays / everything / she knows, / everything / she remembers.” Humor and poignancy walk a tightrope between the poems in this issue. The textured paper in grey and white is a beautiful background effect for poems by the likes of J.P. Dancing Bear and featured poet Nancy A. Newsted. By the way, don’t be put off by the howling wolf on the web site – it features downloads of poems being read, which is a nice multimedia extra. [Concrete Wolf, PO Box 730, Amherst, NH 03031-0730. E-mail: [email protected]. Single issue $10.00.] – JHG