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A Creepy Read

Guest Post by Katrina Thompson.

From the moment I began reading Jeff Vandermeer’s “Annihilation” I was enthralled and intrigued by the mysterious top secret location dubbed “Area-X” as well as the suspicious yet compelling cast of characters, all of which have no name and are instead known only by their occupations “The Biologist,” “The Psychologist,” “The Anthropologist,” “The Surveyor,” and “The Linguist.”

The protagonist or “biologist” also known as “Ghost Bird” by her former lover throughout the entirety of the novel, is a self-contained loner who has spent most of her life wrapped up in her curiosities with the natural world, her educational pursuits, or her rich and elusive inner life. The narrative itself is from her perspective and is told through the medium of her journal. But despite the less than traditional narrative style, the pacing of this novel is extremely engaging and left me hanging onto every word wondering what would happen next. I found no lulls or filler in the plot or dialogue. There were only white knuckled, page turning chapters and beautiful, awe-inspiring descriptions of the intoxicating terrifying realm of Area-X!

I highly recommend this book to anyone who’s into the sci-fi or fantasy genres or if you’re just looking for a creepy read to finish off the month of November.

Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, February 2014.

Reviewer bio: Dreamer by day, writer by night. My rich inner life inspires my whimsical writings.

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