YA Anthology :: Mountaintop Removal
Submissions and Prize
2008 Anthology of MTR-focused Work by Young Authors & Artists
MotesBooks of Louisville will accept manuscripts and artwork for an anthology to be published in the summer of 2008. All pieces in the book will focus on Mountaintop Removal (MTR) coal mining. Submission deadline is May 1, 2008. To accommodate elementary, middle school, high school and college age writers, contributors can be any age up to 24 years (even if no longer a student).
Working subtitle: Young Americans Reflect On Mountaintop Removal
Edited by Jason Howard (writer, editor, songwriter & MTR activist)
Foreword by Silas House (novelist, dramatist, songwriter & MTR activist
The book will be manufactured in softcover, perfectbound format. Basic retail marketing outlets will include Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, and the publisher’s websites and www.EvaMedia.com (site that primarily serves schools). Wholesale pricing will be available to retailers. Special marketing strategies and events will also be utilized, including at least one reading by selected contributors (at the invitation of the publisher & editor).
Full submissions information here.