Pongo Teen Writing Project blog is actively adding posts of interest to those working with young writers, especially in similar populations as Pongo’s focus – teens who are in jail, on the streets, or in other ways leading difficult lives. Here are some of the most recent posts:
Poetry, Demons, and Dragons (about a boy who created a poetic dragon to battle an inner demon)
Mike (about Seattle’s Poet Populist – and Pongo volunteer – who brings the tempests of his own life into the public discussion of poetry)
Hearts Out Loud (about kids who wrote on murder and loss, and now write with purpose and gratitude)
Shannon (about an ex-offender who volunteers in the prison where she was once incarcerated)
I Feel Like Weights Have Been Lifted (about how much the Pongo teens love writing and use it to relieve distress)
Mission Creek (about my current workshop with incarcerated women)