Writing Programs – a new guide in NewPages.com
When we were in Atlanta at the AWP conference, we asked writers, teachers and students what we might add to NewPages that would be helpful. Many times we heard: “Add a list of writing programs.”
So we did.
The NewPages Guide to Writing Programs has just been posted, and we have a lot of work yet to do on it. Right now it is basically links to MFA/Creative Writing programs and English departments organized by state.
We will be adding descriptive content to the various programs in the upcoming weeks. Hope to have it in pretty good shape by fall. You can help:
What information would be most useful to you in this new guide? What might save you a bit (or a lot) of time in your research?
We certainly can’t include everything you’d find by going directly to the writing program’s website (and that is not our goal), but we want to provide the critical info that would help you best identify whether you want to go to a program’s website.