Virb :: YouTube for the Arts
Thanks to Dee Rimbuad for the call for submissions* that led me to find out about Virb. An alternative to all the “noise” on YouTube for finding great indie music, cool short films, and magniffy art.
“Virb is… A place that lets you put all of the things that make you you – photos, videos, blogs – in one place. So you can find friends (and friends can find you). More specifically, VIRB is our vision of a social community – done right. A website that combines you, your interests, your friends and the things you like with music, art, fashion, film and more. Stay connected with your friends. Find new music. View and upload good videos, photos and more.”
*The Melted Rubber Humans are looking for mp3 files of spoken word/poetry readings (live or studio) to be incorporated in a series of albums of ambient/experimental music. Email submissions: one mp3/2Mb maximum to [email protected] “FAO: Captain Melted” subject line. Finished albums posted at available for free download.