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The Nation Student Contest Winners Announced

The Nation announces that Ryan Thoreson of Fargo, North Dakota has won the second annual Nation Student Writing Contest. Thoreson, a 2007 graduate of Harvard University, wrote “Candidates: Leave US Alone,” which argues that the electorate’s top priority should be the re-establishment of the right to privacy, which has been under siege for decades. Thoreson essay was published in the October 22, 2007 issue of The Nation.

Five finalists were also chosen and their essays are available online:
Jason Kaye, Weston HighSchool, Weston, CT
Ketan Ramakrishnan, MadisonHigh School, Madison,WA
Ned Resnikoff, Middletown High School, Middletown, CT
Daniel Mootz, Carlisle HighSchool, Carlisle, PA
Alyssa Battistoni, Stanford University

**Attention student activists! If you’re involved in organizing an event on your campus or in your community and would like to distribute free copies of The Nation, click here.**