NPR started it with its short list of Best Heroines of 2012, and The Atlantic followed this up with 12 more. Neither list included the publishers, who I think deserve some credit. Several of these are small, independent presses listed on NewPages Guide to Independent Publishers & University Presses, and several are from the literary imprints of major publishers. Click on the story title links to read more about each publication.
NPR Best Heroines of 2012
Sophie Calle: The Address Book by Sophie Calle
Siglio Press
As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh: Journals and Notebooks, 1964-1980 by Susan Sontag and David Rieff
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (MacMillan)
All We Know: Three Lives by Lisa Cohen
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (MacMillan)
Carry the One by Carol Anshaw
Simon & Schuster
Antigonick by Sophocles, Anne Carson and Bianco Stone
New Directions Publishing
The Atlantic Greatest Literary Heroines of 2012
Dora: A Headcase by Lidia Yuknavitch
Hawthorne Books
Talulla Rising by Glen Duncan
The Vanishers by Heidi Julavits
Where’d You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple
Little, Brown and Company
Maidenhead by Tamara Faith Berger
Coach House Books
How to Get Into the Twin Palms by Karolina Waclawiak
Two Dollar Radio
The People of Forever are Not Afraid by Shani Boianjiu
Hogarth (Crown Publishing/Random House)
Battleborn by Claire Vaye Watkins
Riverhead (Penguin)
Wild by Cheryl Strayed
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Crown (Random House)