NewPages was fortunate to have on staff both Gina Myers, Book Review Editor, and Jeremy Benson, Literary Magazine Review Editor. However, both have moved on to new ventures. Gina accepted a position as the Communications Coordinator in the Division of Campus Life at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Jeremy literally moved on to greener pastures, taking the summer to work on a farm in Minnesota. We wish the best to both of them and feel certain we’ll see them again in other literary venues (as well as contributing reviews to NewPages when they can).
NewPages now welcomes two new staffers:
Magazine Review Editor Jennifer VandeZande
Jennifer comes to NewPages from radio, television, and the freelance writing world. The Michigan Association of Broadcasters awarded her several times for her work writing and producing feature and journalistic pieces for Public Radio. In addition, she has written for the online cultural magazine, She is eager to embark on this course with NewPages and looks forward to gathering the finest reviews from experienced writers as well as introducing new writers to the art of reviewing. More than anything, she wants to help NewPages continue its celebration of the literary magazine and review.
Book Review Editor Holly Zemsta
Much of Holly’s career has revolved around books, whether editing, publicizing, or selling them. She previously worked in publishing and news media in the Chicago area before spending a couple of years doing studio catalog photography. Now, as the NewPages book review editor, Holly is happy to be involved in the literary world again. She looks forward to working with the talented reviewers who contribute to NewPages, as well as recruiting others who would like to assist us in bringing attention to the work of small and independent presses.