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NCTE Gallery of Writing

The NCTE National Gallery of Writing is a virtual space where people who perhaps have never thought of themselves as writers — mothers, bus drivers, fathers, veterans, nurses, firefighters, sanitation workers, stockbrokers — select and post one thing they have written that is important to them. The Gallery accommodates any composition format — from word processing to photography, audio recording to text messages — and all types of writing — from letters to lists, memoirs to memos.

The National Gallery of Writing includes three types of display spaces where writing can be found:

1. The Gallery of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) represents a broad cross-section of writing hosted by the National Council of Teachers of English.

2. National Partner Galleries include writing that corresponds to a theme or purpose identified by one of the National Partners participating in this initiative.

3. Local Partner Galleries include works from writers in a classroom, school, club, workplace, city, or other local entity.

The National Gallery of Writing will open for submissions starting this spring, and will be open for viewing/reading from the National Day on Writing (October 20, 2009) through June 1, 2010. The Gallery will provide a lively reading experience and an opportunity for writers to share their craft and find a broad and diverse audience. And, everyone who visits the Gallery of NCTE can find useful tips and guidelines for writers from the National Council of Teachers of English.

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