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MFA Attitude Adjustment

charlotte-morgantiAmidst all the debate about the “value” of higher education and the “overabundance” of MFAs being turned out of programs these days, it was refreshing to read Charlotte Morganti’s Eight Reasons to Considering Pursing an MFA on Fiction Southeast. What a great reminder that it’s okay to want to go to school to LEARN not just to EARN. Morganti writes, “Initially I enrolled in my MFA program for two reasons – to learn the craft and to hang out with some really cool people. By the time I earned the degree, I had benefited in many other ways as well.” She invites readers in or pursuing MFAs to give their own reasons for enrolling in a program, as well as responses to these two questions: Did your MFA give you benefits you dind’t expect when you first enrolled? If you opted no to pursue and MFA, what were your primary reasons?