Lit Mag Mentors
A regular section in The Louisville Review, “The Children’s Corner” accepts submissions of previously unpublished poetry from students in grades K-12.
The Fall 2009 issue features works by Kian Brouwer, fifth grade, Danielle Charette, high school senior, Carla Hasson and Katie Metzger, both seventeen-years-olds, and Ema Williamson, eleventh grade.
More importantly, all are young writers who have the support and encouragement of others in their lives who have helped them take this step in sharing their work with others. And most importantly, The Louisville Review has provided this opportunity for them. Let’s call it “Lit Mag Mentoring.” It sure would be nice to see this in more publications; not only does this foster a new generation of writers, but readers of literary magazines. Sounds like a win-win to me.