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Lit Mag Covers :: Picks of the Week

Meaty Gonzales writes in this “bones” issue of Meat for Tea: “This issue will get under your skin and cut through the fat to get to the very bone. Bones. To get to the bare-boned truth, to reveal the skeletons in your closet, to sip a healing broth, bones evoke many conflicting emotions and memories . . .”


The 2013 issue of The Idaho Review features Bill Carmen’s “The Earialist” which is a 5×7 acrylic on copper made in 2010. It’s slightly creepy, unsettling, but oh-so-interesting to look at!


Read this about the latest Tin House cover: “This issue’s cover art, Yellow Book, is about connections forged through books. [The artist, Sophie Blackall, says] ‘So many of the missed connections I read [on Craigslist] mention books, ‘You were on the F train, reading As I Lay Dying . . .’ but lots of us have also found friends and lovers through books. The only thing better than a beloved book is a book shared with a beloved.'”