Images of War :: Greenfield-Sanders
Bringing Home Iraq
By Nicolaus Mills
From Dissent Magazine
“When we think of photographs from the Second World War, we think of Robert Capa’s D-Day pictures of American infantrymen struggling to get ashore at Normandy. When we think of Vietnam War photographs, we think of Larry Burrows’s pictures of U. S. Marines bogged down in the mud and dense growth of the Vietnam highlands. Now comes Iraq, and this time the photographs that best capture the war are the pictures of Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, currently at the Steven Kasher Gallery in New York in a show that opened on November 15 and that will run through December 22.
“Greenfield-Sanders’s Iraq photographs are already well known. They were made to accompany the HBO documentary, Alive Day Memories: Home from Iraq, which James Gandolfini, the star of the Sopranos, produced. The documentary revolved around interviews that Gandolfini conducted with ten wounded soldiers, who talked about the Iraq war and their memories of “alive day,” the day they narrowly escaped being killed… [read the rest and see more images here]