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Holiday Stories Wanted

Chris Heavener, Editor/Publisher of Annalemma Magazine, writes: “We’re working on a new zine called Holiday in Cambodia. The idea is to collect a bunch of true stories surrounding the Holidays, compile them into a zine and donate the proceeds to Anne Elizabeth Moore, an author and activist who is teaching young Cambodia women how to make zines.”

There will be an open fee for submissions, meaning submitters are encouraged to send whatever they think is a fair submission fee. “Could be zero dollars, could be $100. Yup, just like the Radiohead thing.” This book will be available to purchase for $10 on January 31st, 2010. All proceeds from sales, as well as submission fees, will go directly to Anne’s amazing work with young Cambodian women.

Click here for more info. Deadline is January 15 – so don’t delay!